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Welcome to CAAMS



The Center for Autonomous Air Mobility and Sensing (CAAMS) is comprised of seven university sites: University of Colorado Boulder (lead), Brigham Young University, Penn State University, Sinclair College, Texas A&M University, The University of Michigan and Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech CAAMS University site has potential research thrust areas such as Vehicle design, Planning & Control, Cyber Security, Formal Verification and Intelligient Networks.

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To become the world’s leader in delivering innovative solutions and future leaders in the industries that enable autonomous air mobility for people, packages, and sensor systems.


The mission is to work together with industry & government partners to develop solutions that address the critical technical challenges relevant to autonomous air mobility and autonomy. Further, to train the next generation of technical leaders. Finally, to ensure that our research and our people focus on solutions that are sustainable and ethical, recognizing the importance of technical solutions that positively impact human flourishing.